
Amblyopia, sometimes called "lazy eye," is when vision in one or both eyes does not develop properly during childhood. It is a common problem in babies and young children. Amblyopia can develop from other eye and vision problems. Some of these problems include misaligned eyes (strabismus), unusual refractive errors, childhood cataracts, or droopy eyelids.

Amblyopia is treated by making the child use their weaker eye. This is done by putting a patch over the child’s stronger eye or blurring vision in that eye using eye drops or special eyeglasses. Sometimes surgery is recommended to correct certain eye problems causing the amblyopia. After surgery, the child may need to keep covering the strong eye until their vision improves.

Amblyopia must be diagnosed and treated as early as possible so a child can develop normal, healthy vision.

If you have any questions about your child’s vision, speak with an ophthalmologist. They are committed to protecting your child’s sight.

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